Anatomy of a Phishing Scam

5 min read

Avoid Being Tricked By The Automated Army Of Hackers Part I: Identifying the Problem “Phishing” is the practice of fooling unsuspecting people into voluntarily giving away their most sensitive data—user names, passwords, social security number, birth dates, and more—by disguising their communication requests to look authentic. Given how easy it is to digitally copy a corporation’s official communication template, this problem is actually far worse than you could ever imagine. Hackers leverage the power of computers to automate sending phishing scams. Hundreds of millions of phishing emails are sent every day for pennies and only a small percent need to work for the system to be rewarded. And rewarded…...

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David Koff David Koff has had a successful and incredibly fun dual-track career in both technology and the arts for about 25 years. He's got a love for the analytical side of technology from coding to problem-solving. He's also an accomplished performer and teacher of improvisation, a life skill that he believes all humans should study for some amount of time.

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